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st: Re: matrix row/col names

From   Christopher F Baum <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Re: matrix row/col names
Date   Thu, 4 Sep 2003 07:52:15 -0400

On Thursday, September 4, 2003, at 02:33 AM, John wrote:

I've got two related questions regarding column and row names.
(1) How can I replace the 'jth' column name only?
(2) How can I save as a macro the 1st j column names from a matrix?

Many thanks.

- --John
Answering in reverse order (see [p] macro extended functions):

. qui regress price mpg headroom trunk

. mat v=e(V)

. local names: colnames v

. di "`names'"
mpg headroom trunk _cons

. local names: subinstr local names "trunk" "elephant"

. di "`names'"
mpg headroom elephant _cons

. mat coln v= `names'

. mat list v

symmetric v[4,4]
                 mpg    headroom    elephant       _cons
     mpg   4260.8406
headroom   1493.2491   234750.02
   trunk   3156.2153  -29562.132   11500.405
   _cons  -138633.33  -327787.03  -136940.48     5910415


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