Dear Stata-listers,
I am very thankful to Nick Cox for putting together "makematrix". I have
tried it to save and return the AIC and Schwarz's Criterion from a few logit
models and his suggestions worked well.
It will helpful to me if I can first obtain a matrix of the "Odds Ratio z
P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]" produced by "logistic" but I am not sure to
which global macros S_E_** are those saved (I have had a look through
logistic.ado, logistic.dlg,logis_lf.ado).
I guess I am looking at a 3-step process:
1. a do-file is first saved as "" containing one command line
xi : logistic lbw i.`1'
2. a second do-file "" is saved containing two command lines
xi : logistic lbw i.`1'
3. Then the command lines below run to obtain the two matrix outputs:
makematrix, from(S_E_**): "run D:\mydo1" stunt3 stunt6 stunt12
makematrix, from(S_E_aic S_E_sc): "run D:\mydo2" stunt3 stunt6
Many thanks for your help in advance.
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