Dear Stata-listers,
As part of an exploratory analysis, I am running a series of logistic models
to investigate the best predictor of a binary variable "lbw" using three
time point measurements (X3,X6 and X12 at ages 3,6 and 12 months,
respectively) given that all explanatory variables are highly significant.
xi: logit lbw i.X3 (model 1)
xi: logit lbw i.X6 (model 2)
xi: logit lbw i.X12 (model 3)
I wish to use the command "mlfit" to obtain the AIC and SC criteria (for
example as seen below from model 1)
. mlfit
Criteria for assessing logistic model fit
Akaike's Information Criterion (AIC) and Schwarz's Criterion (SC)
AIC SC | -2 Log Likelihood Num.Parameters
9271.8362 9288.2391 | 9267.8362 2
The problem is "mlfit" has no options to store the stats above and I wish to
display all of those in a matrix as snap-shot of the "goodness of fit" of
each model.
Many thanks for your help in advance.
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