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st: Inability to start up Stata under Windows XP

From   Clyde Schechter <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Inability to start up Stata under Windows XP
Date   Tue, 26 Aug 2003 12:01:05 -0400

This may or may not be related to the problem being reported by Ben Jann,
or the one noted by Stata Corp. in connection with Office XP.  For several
years, I have been unable to start Stata when Netscape Communicator is
running.  Versions 7 and 8 are both effected, versions 5 and earlier ran
without this problem, and I just can't remember about version 6.  This
problem actually arises on my two Windows 98 desktops.  I don't know if the
same thing would happen under Windows XP since my XP-laptop doesn't have
Netscape Communicator installed on it anyway.  The behavior I have
encountered is just as described by Ben Jann: the task list shows Stata,
but no window opens.

Since I don't run Netcape Communicator very often, I have never reported
the problem previously as it is of little practical importance to me.  I
raise it now only because it might provide a clue about what is going on.

Hope this is helpful.

Clyde Schechter
Dept. of Family Medicine & Community Health
Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Bronx, NY, USA

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