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st: Re:Trouble with Win XP/Office XP

From   [email protected]
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Re:Trouble with Win XP/Office XP
Date   Tue, 26 Aug 2003 11:38:12 +0200

(I'm posting this again, since I used the wrong name of the topic last time)


For me, everything works fine 9 times out of 10, running Stata/SE 8.1 on a
with XP Pro. Once in a while something strange happens though (I haven't
paid attention if it happens when Office is running or not, I will test
today it started just fine): When I start Stata nothing happens, until some
minutes after...Then it starts normally. Once, I think it took about 20
minutes after
I had started the program, until it actually started (I usually start Stata
away when I get here in the morning, even if I don't use it right away)!
Have you
tried to wait some minutes, to see what happens? Not so convenient if you
need to
use Stata right away though...


Michael Carlberg

Date: Fri, 22 Aug 2003 09:13:19 +0200
From: "Jann, Ben" <[email protected]>
Subject: st: Trouble with Win XP/Office XP

Hi all

I am experiencing a rather odd problem with Stata/SE 8 on Windows XP. I
contacted Stata Tech Support, of course, but they could not help... 

The problem is as follows: Sometimes, Stata cannot be started up. To be
precise, Stata actually starts up (i.e. wsestata.exe is listed under
"Processes" in windows task manager and windows cannot be shut down before
wsestata.exe is terminated manually) but no Stata windows appear
(furthermore, stata cannot be run in batch mode). The only thing to do is to
restart the computer (often several times) until Stata suddendly starts
working properly again. The problem occures on both computers I'm using
(Dell Dimension 8250; Dell Latitude D800). This isn't really surprising,
however, since both computers have been set up by the same people (local
tech support) and, except for some machine specific details, the systems are
basically identical.

My first thought was that it has to do with misspecified rights. However,
this is probably not the case since on the Latitude I have full access
(admistrator rights). I tried quite a few things like updating Stata,
uninstall Stata, clean up registry and reinstall, reinstall with the newest
setup.exe optained from Stata tech support, restore file associations, ...
however, nothing helped so far. Furthermore, the problem does not seem to be
specific to Stata/SE 8. I installed a copy of Intercooled 7 to check and the
same problem occured. 

It is possible that Office XP causes the problem (Stata Tech Support wrote:
"Since your original email we have seen, but have not tracked down, a
possible problem with Stata 7/8 and Office XP. On some machines Stata and
Office XP run just fine (my machine, for example), but on others machines
Stata will not start.") but this is not sure.

I really don't have any idea how to fix the problem and Stata Tech Support
doesn't either. So here are my questions: Does anyone else experience
similar problems? Does anyone have an idea what might cause the problem?
Does anyone know a solution to the problem (besides switching operating

I (and probably Stata Tech Support as well) would appreciate any help on
this issue!


PS: Please contacht me off-list, if you want to receive a copy of my
correspondence with Stata Tech Support.

PS: All other applications besides Stata work fine on my computers.

- - ------------------------------------
Professur f�r Soziologie
ETH-Zentrum SEW E 28
CH-8092 Z�rich

Ben Jann, lic. rer. soc.
Tel. +41 1 632 55 58
Fax  +41 1 632 10 54
[email protected]

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