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Re: st: stat-transfer updates

From   Ernest Berkhout <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: stat-transfer updates
Date   Tue, 26 Aug 2003 11:32:27 +0200

At 20:05 25-8-2003, Lee Sieswerda wrote:
My IT people are quite willing (in fact, eager) to do whatever it takes
(short of giving me full admin privileges) to resolve the issue. So they
wonder: is there a registry entry that could be altered or some other
workaround to allow Stat-Transfer to run its update program without actually
having to log in as admin?

Has anyone else had similar troubles and been able to resolve it?
Strange story, sounds like your IT people are not as good as mine... :-)
I'm working on a Win2000 computer as well, and I can run the StatTransfer updates without any problems. As far as I know, there might be at least two workarounds that your IT people could consider. Firstly, give you "Power User" rights instead of normal user rights. Secondly, allow StatTransfer.exe only (or whatever is the name of the program executable) to run with administrative rights.
Hope that helps!

Ernest Berkhout
SEO Amsterdam Economics
University of Amsterdam

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The Netherlands

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