From | "Wagner, Joseph" <[email protected]> |
To | "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]> |
Subject | st: RE: Fisher's LSD and oneway ANOVA in Stata |
Date | Thu, 21 Aug 2003 12:47:00 -0400 |
Thanks for the point to -fhcomp-. A small note after I installed -fhcomp- and tried to use it I got an error message
-fhcomp- requires the gsturng and the sturng* files
a search and findit of gsturng didn't turn up anything so I went to the UCLA webpage devoted to Stata and found a .do file that installs fhcomp (and many other files as well).
installed the gsturng and the sturng* files that I needed so I could use -fhcomp-
. findit fisher comparison
points to Phil Ender's -fhcomp-.
-----Original Message-----
Wagner, Joseph
Does anyone know if it's possible to get the multiple
comparison test, Fisher's LSD, with oneway ANOVA in Stata?
I know that Bonferroni, Scheffe, and Sidak are options with
oneway but I was wondering if anyone wrote an ado file that
includes Fisher's LSD or if it will be added in the future.
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