From | Ernest Berkhout <[email protected]> |
To | [email protected] |
Subject | Re: st: Fonts and graph export |
Date | Wed, 20 Aug 2003 17:37:30 +0200 |
At 16:52 20-8-2003, you wrote:
I'm trying to specify a font face in a -graph export- command, in which I'm exporting to an encapsulated postscript file. The font I want to use is TrueType (I'm on windows); its name is "Palatino Linotype". I can't get it to work, no matter what I do with the font() option.Mmmh, that sounds vagelue familiair to me. At the time when our office had Palatino as the default font there were always some programs that refused to accept that font, although other software was able to find the font somewhere. If I'm right (but still quite ignorant about printers) most problems had to do with the fact that Palatino was a printer-specific softfont. Probably Acrobat is configured to automatically include the Palatino font and Stata isn't. What did your computer department people tell you about this?
When I specify font("Palatino Linotype"), stata creates the .eps file, but then acrobat complains about it.
When I print the graph from Stata directly to Acrobat Distiller, things work perfectly--I get a pdf file with the right font--so it must
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