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Re: st: string function problem

From   Joseph Coveney <[email protected]>
To   Statalist <[email protected]>
Subject   Re: st: string function problem
Date   Wed, 20 Aug 2003 12:52:19 +0900

Ricardo Ovaldia asked about the formated -string()- function:

--------------------begin excerpted post---------------------------------

. gen y=string( a1,"%16")
(5 missing values generated)

What I'm doing wrong? -y- is missing everywhere.

---------------------end excerpted post-----------------------------------

The formatted string function needs to have the format specified as a
numeric type, that is, "%16.0f" and not "%16".

Joseph Coveney


. do "A:\"

. clear

. input float rec long a1

           rec            a1
  1.   1.         12345678
  2.   2.         12345679
  3.   3.         12345678
  4.   4.         12345678
  5.   5.         12345679
  6. end

. generate y = string( a1,"%16.0f")

. slist

     rec        a1         y
  1.   1  12345678  12345678
  2.   2  12345679  12345679
  3.   3  12345678  12345678
  4.   4  12345678  12345678
  5.   5  12345679  12345679

. exit

end of do-file


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