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st: RE: Graphing Frustrations

From   Benjamin Hulley <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: RE: Graphing Frustrations
Date   Tue, 19 Aug 2003 16:27:13 -0700

Hi Nick et al.

- drinkalc - was in fact a poor example of my problem so I will use - oasm_agg - and I apologize for the mixing up graph and bar charts. I am most interested in a box plot, though I have the same problem for bar graphs. Here are the results of trying to produce a box plot of oasm_agg followed by a tabulation of the same variable. Again, using the precursor data sets I was successfully able to produce a box plot of oasm_agg (the only changes to oasm_agg between the two files are labeling its missing values and relabeling the variable itself)

. graph box oasm_agg
invalid syntax
invalid syntax
invalid syntax
invalid syntax
invalid syntax

. tab oasm_agg

aggression |
score | Freq. Percent Cum.
0 | 546 53.48 53.48
1 | 80 7.84 61.31
2 | 67 6.56 67.87
3 | 106 10.38 78.26
4 | 32 3.13 81.39
5 | 28 2.74 84.13
6 | 42 4.11 88.25
7 | 16 1.57 89.81
8 | 16 1.57 91.38
9 | 21 2.06 93.44
10 | 9 0.88 94.32
11 | 6 0.59 94.91
12 | 4 0.39 95.30
13 | 6 0.59 95.89
14 | 7 0.69 96.57
15 | 5 0.49 97.06
16 | 6 0.59 97.65
17 | 4 0.39 98.04
18 | 4 0.39 98.43
20 | 3 0.29 98.73
21 | 3 0.29 99.02
23 | 2 0.20 99.22
24 | 2 0.20 99.41
27 | 1 0.10 99.51
30 | 1 0.10 99.61
32 | 1 0.10 99.71
42 | 1 0.10 99.80
45 | 1 0.10 99.90
49 | 1 0.10 100.00
Total | 1,021 100.00


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