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st: RE: Stata's "Simulate" command and Stata v.8.1

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: Stata's "Simulate" command and Stata v.8.1
Date   Tue, 19 Aug 2003 20:43:26 +0100

[email protected]
> I am fairly new to Stata programming but would like to perform a
> simulation whereby I create a dataset containing means and
> variances of
> 1000-observation samples from a log-normal distribution with a given
> mean and standard deviation.  I would like to output the
> 1000 generated
> mean and standard deviations pairs (or doublets) and plot
> these as (x,y)
> coordinates .  Eventually, I would also like the output to
> contain the
> skewness and kurtosis and understand that, to do this, I
> would need to
> use the "summarize, detail" command  and I could do this using
> incorporating  r(skewness)  and r(kurtosis) as output
> requests into the
> program.
> As a first step in this process, I thought I would try out
> an example in
> Stata's on-line help function and see if it worked.  I typed  "help
> simulate" into Stata and copied a sample program from there
> into Stata.
> When I did this, however, Stata told me that there was an
> "error when
> command executed on original dataset under version 8.1
> control r(199);"
> As this was a sample command taken directly from the Stata
> on-line help
> files, I was puzzled.  I thought that it might help to add
> in  "version
> 8.0" into the program as line 1 (so that it would
> understand that it was
> supposed to work under the the 8.0 version of Stata), but
> this didn't
> work either and Stata came back with the same error.
> Does anyone know what needs to be done to modify programs if the 8.1
> version of Stata will now longer accept them?  Or if I am doing
> something wrong?  I am using Stata 8.1 born 01 July 2003.    I have
> excerpted below my sample program  which was copied directly from a
> sample program provided under Stata's on-line help function
> as well as
> Stata's response about v.8.1 control.
> . about
> Intercooled Stata 8.1 for Windows
> Born 01 Jul 2003
> Copyright (C) 1985-2003
> Total physical memory:      259992 KB
> Available physical memory:    4224 KB
> program define lnsim, rclass
>   1. syntax [, obs(integer 1) mu(real 0) sigma(real 1)]
>   2. drop _all
>   3. set obs `obs'
>   4. temvar z
>   5. gen `z'=exp(`mu' + `sigma' * invnorm(uniform()))
>   6. summarize `z'
>   7. return scalar mean=r(mean)
>   8. return scalar Var = r(Var)
>   9. end
> .  simulate "lnsim, obs(100)" mean=r(mean) var=r(Var), reps(10000)
> command -> lnsim , obs(100)
> error when command executed on original dataset under version 8.1
> control
> r(199);
> . simulate "lnsim, obs(50) mu(-3) sigma(7)" mean=r(mean) var=r(Var),
> reps(10000)
> command -> lnsim , obs(50) mu(-3) sigma(7)
> error when command executed on original dataset under version 8.1
> control
> r(199);

I think at least some of this revolves
around a typo, "temvar" for "tempvar". For want of a "p",
the program fell over.

I wouldn't use -simulate- here. Why? Because
you could do all it in one with m blocks of n.
This can also be extended with -egen, skew()-
and -egen, kurt()-. Not the most efficient
way to do, but relatively straightforward.

program lnsim2
	version 8
	args m n mu sigma garbage
	if "`garbage'" != "" | "`sigma'" == "" error 198
	set obs `= `m' * `n''
	tempvar z group mean sd tag
	gen `z'=exp(`mu' + `sigma' * invnorm(uniform()))
	gen `group' = mod(_n,`m')
	egen `mean' = mean(`z'), by(`group')
	egen `sd' = sd(`z'), by(`group')
	bysort `group' : gen byte `tag' = _n == 1
	scatter `sd' `mean' if `tag', ytitle(sd) xtitle(mean)

lnsim2 1000 1000 0 1

[email protected]

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