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Re: st: RE:mean+ci plot: how to do a ciplot with bar representation

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   Re: st: RE:mean+ci plot: how to do a ciplot with bar representation
Date   Mon, 18 Aug 2003 18:38:16 +0100

On Friday, Marcello Pagano posted for Eva Poen (EP) replying
to me (NJC):


>>>I would like to plot my data in a mean + confidence
>>>interval way (Stata 8).
>>>This can be nicely done with -ciplot-.
>>>My question:
>>>I would prefer to have the mean represented by a bar
>>>instead of a dot,
>>>starting from zero, just like this:
>>>    ^
>>>    |        ---
>>>    |         |
>>>    |         |
>>>    |         |
>>>    |     XXXX|XXXX
>>>    |     XXXX|XXXX
>>>    |     XXXX|XXXX
>>>    |     XXXX|XXXX
>>>    |     XXX---XXX
>>>    |     XXXXXXXXX
>>>    |     XXXXXXXXX
>>>    |     XXXXXXXXX
>>>    |     XXXXXXXXX
>>>    |     XXXXXXXXX
>>>    ---------------------->
>>>Is it possible to draw such a graph in Stata 8?


>>It shouldn't be too difficult to write a version of
>>-ciplot- to do confidence intervals shown as these bar on bar
>>plots, but I await expressions of interest in using that
>>program before I actually write it.


>Adding a bar on bar feature to -ciplot- would be a wonderful and very
>useful extension in my opinion, and I hope others think the same.

Just to report that I hacked out a -cibplot- which Eva has tried
out privately. Certain things are wired in, because others are
against my prejudices, although anyone with the energy to read
the help file and the competence to modify the code could tweak the
program to their prejudices.

As Kit Baum is away this week, and from Thursday I'm away on vacation
for a while, it may be a time before this is up on SSC, but it now

[email protected]

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