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st: matsize

From   David Airey <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: matsize
Date   Sat, 16 Aug 2003 12:23:38 -0500

How do you know before running a model, what the matsize needs to be? Is there an exact size you can determine beforehand?

I'm going to work with a complex ANOVA and want to figure out the matsize needed, to see if Stata 8/SE can handle it, if I need to simplify the design, or if I need to purchase additional RAM. My computer can have 1000 mb max.

ANOVA model:

between subject factors:
A: 20 levels
B: 2 levels

random subject factor nested in A and B:
S: 400 animals total, 20 per A level, 10 per B level

within subject factors (all crossed):
C: 3 levels
D: 4 levels
E: 3 levels
F: 2 levels

In the mean time, I'm working out EMSs and a fabricated data set to see what happens on my machine.


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