From | Nicholas Winter <[email protected]> |
To | [email protected] |
Subject | Re: st: replicate weights using svr commands in Stata8 |
Date | Fri, 15 Aug 2003 18:26:14 -0400 |
At 12:49 PM 8/15/2003 +1000, Susan Donath wrote:
I have a query about the svr programs.As the author of the -svr- routines, I'll take a crack at this one. It sounds from the formula given that these are JK1 (ie, delete-one jackknife) weights, and you should, therefore, use that method. Generally the degrees of freedom for the JK1 method is one less than the number of replicates, or 29 in your case.
I am using a dataset containing unit record data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS). The ABS provides a set of 30 replicate weights for each case in the dataset. According to their documentation, the estimated standard error of an estimate can be found using the following formula :
SE(y) = sqrt( 29/30 S ( y(g) - y )*( y(g) - y ) )
where y(g) is the gth estimate of the parameter y using the gth set of replicate weights
and y is the estimate of the parameter using the full person weight
The supplied dataset includes a person weight for each case, but no information on strata or psu.
I assume that I can use the svr programs to calculate standard errors but I can't quite figure out the exact syntax of the command. I assume that I need to use the brr version of svrset, but this requires me to enter a number of degrees of freedom, and I don't understand what this refers to.
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