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st: Re: OSX 10.2.6 crash - STATA 7

From   [email protected] (Kevin Turner)
To   Statalist <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Re: OSX 10.2.6 crash - STATA 7
Date   Fri, 15 Aug 2003 09:44:19 -0500

Kim Price <[email protected]> wrote:

>I'm using STATA 7 for Macintosh OSX and when I use the command outsheet
>or outfile with my dataset STATA crashes.  I've enclosed the error log
>below.  Has anyone had this problem and have a solution?

A quick search of our bug and tech-support incidences did not return anything
similar. A couple of suggestions:

  1. Make sure your executable is up to date using -update executable- 

  2. The issue is most likely related to the structure of your data and...
     unfortunately, the issue is likely to require some investigative work
     on your part to resolve. Given the stack trace you supplied, I would
     say that variable display formats might be worth altering. You could also 
     try dropping observations/variables or value/variable labels but these
     are just suggestions. 

Hope this helps,

[email protected]
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