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Re: st: RE:mean+ci plot: how to do a ciplot with bar representationof the mean

From   Marcello Pagano <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: RE:mean+ci plot: how to do a ciplot with bar representationof the mean
Date   Fri, 15 Aug 2003 09:26:42 -0400

Posting this for Eva:

[This is a repost (fist one seems to be lost). My apologies if this


thanks a lot for your response.

[email protected]

I would like to plot my data in a mean + confidence
interval way (Stata 8).
This can be nicely done with -ciplot-.
My question:
I would prefer to have the mean represented by a bar
instead of a dot,
starting from zero, just like this:

   |        ---
   |         |
   |         |
   |         |
   |     XXXX|XXXX
   |     XXXX|XXXX
   |     XXXX|XXXX
   |     XXXX|XXXX
   |     XXX---XXX
   |     XXXXXXXXX
   |     XXXXXXXXX
   |     XXXXXXXXX
   |     XXXXXXXXX
   |     XXXXXXXXX

Is it possible to draw such a graph in Stata 8?

This topic has been discussed several times on Statalist
over the last few months. Possibly no topic has engendered
such passionate exchanges on Statalist in 2003.


In particular, I posted some code on Statalist on 30 June,
building on a suggestion by Stephen McKay. I didn't get
any comments, public or private, on whether it was
quite what people wanted.

I am sorry if I invested too few effort browsing the archives before
posting on statalist, and I actually missed the message you are referring

(For those who are interested:

I tried your code, and it worked like a charm, producing exactly what I
need. Thank you very much for the code.

It shouldn't be too difficult to write a version of
-ciplot- to do confidence intervals shown as these bar on bar
plots, but I await expressions of interest in using that
program before I actually write it.

Adding a bar on bar feature to -ciplot- would be a wonderful and very
useful extension in my opinion, and I hope others think the same.

Again, thanks a lot for your help.
Best regards,
Eva Poen

Eva Poen
University of St. Gallen
Varnb�elstr. 14
CH-9000 St. Gallen
Tel: +41-71-224 23 13
Fax: +41-71-224 30 08
EMail: [email protected]

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