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st: RE: mean+ci plot: how to do a ciplot with bar representation of the mean

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: mean+ci plot: how to do a ciplot with bar representation of the mean
Date   Thu, 14 Aug 2003 13:46:37 +0100

[email protected]
> I would like to plot my data in a mean + confidence 
> interval way (Stata 8).
> This can be nicely done with -ciplot-.
> My question:
> I would prefer to have the mean represented by a bar 
> instead of a dot,
> starting from zero, just like this:
>     ^
>     |        ---
>     |         |
>     |         |
>     |         |
>     |     XXXX|XXXX
>     |     XXXX|XXXX
>     |     XXXX|XXXX
>     |     XXXX|XXXX
>     |     XXX---XXX
>     |     XXXXXXXXX
>     |     XXXXXXXXX
>     |     XXXXXXXXX
>     |     XXXXXXXXX
>     |     XXXXXXXXX
>     ---------------------->
> Is it possible to draw such a graph in Stata 8?

This topic has been discussed several times on Statalist 
over the last few months. Possibly no topic has engendered 
such passionate exchanges on Statalist in 2003. 

In the archives, you can see, for example, a thread started
by Buzz Burhans in early June and another thread started by 
Fred Wolfe in late June. The contributions ranged all the way 
from why it is one of the biggest gaps in official Stata, to
why this is a very bad idea, to some code letting you do it, 
or something like it. 

In particular, I posted some code on Statalist on 30 June, 
building on a suggestion by Stephen McKay. I didn't get 
any comments, public or private, on whether it was 
quite what people wanted. 

It shouldn't be too difficult to write a version of 
-ciplot- to do confidence intervals shown as these bar on bar 
plots, but I await expressions of interest in using that 
program before I actually write it. 

[email protected] 

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