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st: Stata Courses

From   "Neill Calvert" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Stata Courses
Date   Wed, 13 Aug 2003 17:57:30 +0100

Does any one know of any European based STATA courses for someone with a
good understanding of spreadsheet and database packages and
econometrics, but only elementary knowledge of stats packages such as

Many thanks in anticipation

-----Original Message-----
From: Friedrich Huebler [mailto:[email protected]] 
Sent: 13 August 2003 16:34
To: [email protected]
Subject: st: Re: -graph bar, over()- question and bug report

--- Nick Cox <[email protected]> wrote:
> I was going to suggest moving to -twoway bar- as
> a partial remedy, but Friedrich wants to -stack- bars,
> and I would think that's going to be difficult with
> -twoway bar- (I won't say impossible, just in case
> it can be done).
> However, that in turn raises the question of why you want to stack
> these bars. I assert that stacking is permissible for additive
> quantities, and I would say that life expectancy for
> whites and blacks does not qualify. So are these just data to
> illustrate the Stata graphics problem, or is this what
> you want to do?


The life expectancy data was a bad example to illustrate my problem.
I work with household survey data and want to use stacked bar charts
to show how people move through different stages in life (say,
education, work, and retirement). The -over- category is age cohort
and the y-axis shows the percentage of people in the different
groups. The sum of these percentages is always 100.


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