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Re: st: missing data, tab ..., matcell(...) and marksample

From   Philip Ryan <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: missing data, tab ..., matcell(...) and marksample
Date   Sun, 10 Aug 2003 13:47:09 +0930

Quoting "Paul  A. Jargowsky" <[email protected]>:

> I have written a program to replace tabulate, but adds the ability to 
> format the output, whether frequencies or row/col/cell percents.  (Oddly, 
> there isn't a way to do this in Stata.  tabulate doesn't allow formatting 
> of output, and table doesn't allow row, col, or cell percents).  The 
> program also organizes the output a little differently, more to my liking.
> The basic operation of the program is that "tab ..., matcell(X)" is invoked 
> internally to produce a matrix of frequencies; these are then manipulated 
> with matrix operations.
> The problem I am having concerns missing values in the row or column 
> variable.  I won't to be able to retain them, but when I specify the 
> "missing" option to my table command, the missing observations are ignored. 
> I have discovered that the problem is the marksample command, which is 
> needed for byableness and ifableness.  In other words, in the following 
> code:
>  etc
>  etc

It is possible that the programs  -tab2way.ado-  and  -tab3way.ado-  available 
from the SSC site  may do most of what you need.  Consider the ubiquitous auto  
data set wherein the variable rep78 has 5 missing values. In the following 
example, the -missing- option really belongs to the Stata command -tabdisp- 
which -tab2way- calls and this just puts a dot "." in a missing cell.  The -
usemiss- option belongs to -tab2way- and allows missing categories to be 

. tab2way foreign rep78, alltot miss usemiss allpct format(%5.1f)

Table entries are cell frequencies and cell, row and column percentages

          |                      Repair Record 1978                      
 Car type |       1        2        3        4        5  missing    TOTAL
 Domestic |       2        8       27        9        2        4       52
          |     2.7     10.8     36.5     12.2      2.7      5.4     70.3
          |     3.8     15.4     51.9     17.3      3.8      7.7    100.0
          |   100.0    100.0     90.0     50.0     18.2     80.0     70.3
  Foreign |                         3        9        9        1       22
          |       .        .      4.1     12.2     12.2      1.4     29.7
          |       .        .     13.6     40.9     40.9      4.5    100.0
          |       .        .     10.0     50.0     81.8     20.0     29.7
    TOTAL |       2        8       30       18       11        5       74
          |     2.7     10.8     40.5     24.3     14.9      6.8    100.0
          |     2.7     10.8     40.5     24.3     14.9      6.8    100.0
          |   100.0    100.0    100.0    100.0    100.0    100.0    100.0

Type -findit tab2way-  and/or  -findit tab3way-


Philip Ryan
Associate Professor
Department of Public Health
University of Adelaide
5005 South Australia
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