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RE: st:How to do analysis if the same variable exists in one dataset and is missing or contains no observation in another database?

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   RE: st:How to do analysis if the same variable exists in one dataset and is missing or contains no observation in another database?
Date   Thu, 7 Aug 2003 20:10:28 +0100

[email protected]
> But I still have some troubles. I want to create a unique
> and global do file for
> twenty datasets from the same survey with almost the same variables.
> Suppose that I have the following local macro containing
> variables that may be
> present or not in a giving database (see below):
> local  mylist "a b c d"
> I have 3 questions:
> 1/ I want to check for the presence of the 4 variables of
> the macro in the
> dataset. I thus apply David 's suggestions:
> foreach x of local mylist {
> capture confirm var `x'
>    if _rc==0 {
>      capture assert mi(`x')
>        if _rc==0 {
>          drop `x'
>        }
> 2/ For the remaining variables, I want to take each one and
> create a new
> variable in the giving order : var1 with a, var2 with b,
> etc,... if they exist :
>        else {
>             g var1=a
>             g var2=b
>             g var3=c
>             g var4=d
>        }
>    }
> My problem at this point is that I got the error message:
> var1 already exists
> (probably because of the looping).

This must reflect some code you are not showing us,
so it is difficult to make suggestions.

> 3/ In the third stage, I want to create more complicated variables:
> g var5=.
> replace var5=1 if a==1| b==1| c==1| d==1
> My problem is how to tell Stata to check for a, b, c, d and
> do the following:
> create var5 with the four variables in the datasets where
> they all exist,
> create var5 with any combination of them, if they do exist
> (at least one of
> them)
> or create nothing if none of them do exist (to avoid my
> program to stop)

Perhaps another approach would help. Let's do it one
by one:

capture confirm var a
if _rc == 0 {
	gen var1 = a
	local OKlist "a"

capture confirm var b
if _rc == 0 {
	gen var2 = b
	local OKlist "`OKlist' b"

capture confirm var c
if _rc == 0 {
	gen var3 = c
	local OKlist "`OKlist' c"

capture confirm var d
if _rc == 0 {
	gen var4 = d
	local OKlist "`OKlist' d"

What we're doing is

testing whether a variable exists
if it does {
	use it to generate another one
	add it to the list of variables which exist

Aside: this can be re-expressed more
concisely, but possibly more cryptically:

tokenize a b c d
forval i = 1/4 {
	capture confirm var ``i''
	if _rc == 0 {
		gen var`i' = ``i''
		local OKlist "`OKlist' ``i''"


if trim("`OKlist'") != "" {
	egen var5 = eqany(`OKlist'), v(1)
	* next line optional
	replace var5 = . if var5 == 0

[email protected]

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