Hello all,
I have cases that were detetcted between the 1st May 1997 and the 19th June 2001 (d_onset). I like to have a histogram of the distribution of the number of cases by month, showing also the months with missing values, i.e. I like to have a true time scale. I could not find out how I could accomplish this. I tried (arbitrarily choosing 50 bins):
histogram d_onset, bin(50) frequency xlabel(#50, angle(vertical) format(%dmy))
This gives me an idea of the general distribution, but the bins are not months. If I create a new variable grouping all cases per month and year, I could have a bar graph with correct numbers per month, but time gaps would not show. How could I accomplish this?
Thanks a lot
Veit Grote
Dr. Veit Grote, MSc
Klinikum der Universit�t M�nchen
Dr. v. Haunersches Kinderspital
Lindwurmstr. 4
D-80337 M�nchen
Tel.: +49 (89) 5160-7798
Fax: +49 (89) 5160-2951
[email protected]
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