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st: Re: Stata vs. SPSS Tables

From   Roger Newson <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Re: Stata vs. SPSS Tables
Date   Mon, 04 Aug 2003 21:48:14 +0100

At 14:47 04/08/03 -0500, Geoff Peterson wrote:
I have been prepping my latest journal submission for the past week, and it
occurred to me that the ONLY thing that keeps me going back to SPSS on a
regular basis is that the tables in SPSS look far more polished than
anything I can produce in Stata. Considering that more and more journals in
my field are asking for "photo ready" tables, I find myself forced to use
SPSS in order to produce professional-looking tables. I have been a Stata
user for many years, but I find that I am forced dedicate more of my time to
SPSS for this function. I have even considered (Gasp!) switching to SPSS as
my primary statistical package for this reason alone...

Any thoughts out there? Am I missing something in Stata 8?
There is a suite of programs downloadable from the SSC archive to produce tables that can be cut and pasted into a Microsoft Word document, or even a HTML, TeX or LaTeX document. This is done by saving the results of Stata commands in Stata data sets and then outputting these data sets to the Stata log or to a file using the -listtex- package, downloadable from SSC. There are other packages that can process these data sets to produce better-looking tables. An account of this suite of programs is given in Newson (2003), which is expected to appear in The Stata Journal later this year, but a pre-publication draft can be downloaded from my website at
either using a browser or using the Stata -net- command.

This suite of programs is growing and developing all the time. A recent addition is -xcontract-, downloadable from SSC as of earlier today (GMT standard time), which produces an output data set containing frequencies and percents. To find more about it, type

ssc desc xcontract

or, alternatively,

findit xcontract

to view the on-line help before you decide to download it. To find out more about the SSC archive, type -help ssc-.

I hope this helps.

Best wishes


Newson R. Confidence intervals and p-values for delivery to the end user. The Stata Journal 2003, in press.

Roger Newson
Lecturer in Medical Statistics
Department of Public Health Sciences
King's College London
5th Floor, Capital House
42 Weston Street
London SE1 3QD
United Kingdom

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