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st: not repeating the 'if' command

From   "Robert Bozick" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: not repeating the 'if' command
Date   Fri, 01 Aug 2003 14:04:40 -0400

I know that in SPSS there is way to set a filter for a series of commands using a 'do if' statement.  Is there a way to do this in STATA?  For example, I want to perform a large set of analyses on a set of groups (group == == 50).  Do I have to continue to type if group == 1 after each command?  ex:

tab race     if group == 1
tab sex      if group == 1
tab race sex if group == 1

tab race     if group == 2
tab sex      if group == 2
tab race sex if group == 2

or, is there a way to globally set off group == 1 for all analyses then a command to globally set off group == 2 for all analyses, and so on...?   The above code seems too cumbersome. 

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