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st: RE: Using statsby and corr to ouput a table of correlations

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: Using statsby and corr to ouput a table of correlations
Date   Thu, 31 Jul 2003 17:44:02 +0100

Joseph McCrary

> I am using the following command in Stata 7 SE:
>      statsby "corr  engscale mark" r(corr_12)  r(N), by(sch_e)
> to generate a table of correlations by school. When I list
> the results, I get:
>          sch_e     _stat1     _stat2
>   1.        40          .        845

>  24.       488          .         27
> Why is _stat1 missing? What should I place in the statsby command to
> produce the correlation matrix?

-correlate- leaves the correlation behind in r(rho). The covariance
is left behind in r(cov_12).

[email protected]

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