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st: Problems with Stata 8

From   Jose Ernesto Lopez-Cordova <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Problems with Stata 8
Date   Wed, 30 Jul 2003 13:56:42 -0700 (PDT)

I recently switched to Stata 8 and I�m experiencing
the following problems:

(1) I am trying to read data originally in a MS Excel
file into Stata. After reading the data one of my
variables has all missing observations. I have tried
these alternatives: copying and pasting into the data
editor; transforming into CSV or tab-separated TXT
files and then using the insheet command; formating
the variable in Excel as a string and as a numeric
value and reading it into Stata.

What puzzles me the most is that these different
alternatives work just fine when I implement them in
Stata 7, which I still have in my PC.

Did the <insheet> command change (incidentally, in
Stata 8, I also set the version to 7 and then use the
insheet command; no success either)?

(2) I tried using the xtile command and get an
"invalid syntax" error. This problem doesn't occur
when I use Stata 7. As a check, using again Stata 8, I
used the dataset suggeted in the reference manuals and
followed exactly what the manual does. I still get an
error message.

Could somebody please tell me why these problems might
be happening? 

Thanks in advance for your help.

J. Ernesto L�pez C�rdova 

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