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st: how to export tables?

From   [email protected] (Alan Riley)
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: how to export tables?
Date   Thu, 24 Jul 2003 17:44:42 -0500

[email protected] wrote
> Another question about exporting information from Stata. Is it possible to 
> export tables obtained after -table- or -tabdisp- to other packages, in 
> particular, to Excell or to pdf file? I tried to -file: print
> results: acrobat pdf writer- but because I have big tables, my pdf
> files contained only portion of the table which was on the screen. Is
> there a better way to export big tables?
> I am Stata 7 user.

I think that Olena is very close to getting the results she wants.
If pdf output will work well for Olena, but the tables are too large
to fit in the Results window, Olena can

   . log using somefile.smcl
   . (commands to generate tables of interest)
   . view somefile.smcl

The log file with all tables will now be in Stata's Viewer window.
Olena can then choose from the menus

   File--Print Viewer--(choose Acrobat PDF Writer "printer")

Olena can also highlight just the table of interest within the Viewer
and choose the above menu selection, making sure to check "print selection"
in the print dialog box.

Note for Windows users: You must have installed the Acrobat PDF Writer
from Adobe before you will be able to select it as a "printer" in the
print dialog box.

([email protected])
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