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Re: st: marginal effects

From   "Tamas Bartus (tbartus)" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: marginal effects
Date   Wed, 23 Jul 2003 21:07:29 +0200

REKA SUNDARAM-STUKEL <[email protected]> wrote

> I am trying to use outreg with marginal effects (after mlogit) and 
> it doesn't seem to work. I looked up help and followed instruction 
> without success. Is there a trick?

Your problem is not clearly stated, but I guess you found that outreg
after mfx produces a table of the mlogit estimates instead of a table
of marginal effects.

mfx does not replace the estimation results, and outreg searchers uses
the estimation results, that is the e(b) and e(V) matrices. Type estimates list
(or ereturn list in stata 8) to see the matrices where mfx saves the results.

You may be interested in my program margin that produces average marginal effects
and it can save the marginal effects as estimation results, so outreg after margin
should produce a table of marginal effects. You can download margin from the website

either using a browser or using the net from  command.


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