Dear Statalist,
I would like to find or make a scheme for bar graphs that contains
bar fill patterns like polka dots, stripes and other highly
distinguishable patterns. I put a lot of results on the web, and I don't
think that most black and white printers can really distinguish between
the subtle shades of grey that result from using many categories.
If a scheme with good B-W patterns exists, I have not been able to find
it. If it does not, is there a way to expand the custom colors palette to
include geometric patterns?
I would be most grateful is someone could point me in the right direction.
Dimitriy V. Masterov
Dimitriy V. Masterov
Center for Social Program Evaluation
1155 East 60th St. Room 038
Chicago, IL 60637
Work: (773)256-6005
Fax: (773)256-6313
1312 East 53rd St., Apt.309
Chicago, IL 60615
Mobile: (773)220-2760
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