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st: RE: Conversion to Hexadecimal

From   "Cruces,GA (pgr)" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: Conversion to Hexadecimal
Date   Sun, 20 Jul 2003 20:23:59 +0100

Many thanks to N. Cox for the accurate answer to my problem.

I just want to make clear why I prefer a string id over a numerical id.
While I can store it as a long or double with no precision problems,
I've had some difficulties with some operations. For instance, I
sometimes need to egen - concat (say, "household id" and "person number"
to get "perdon id") and I've had "rounding" problems with that, and
being a number I cannot gen strX pid=hid+pernumber...

Though certainly the numerical is the most memory efficient way to store
an identifier, I felt a short string id might be a good compromise. I
will try to use the code provided to develop a "XXdecimal" system where
instead of using only A to F I can use all letters (does that have an
official name?).

Thanks again


Guillermo Cruces

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