Thanks to Kit Baum, the -egenmore- package
has been updated on SSC. -egenmore- is a ragbag
of user-written -egen- functions written by Kit,
Steven Stillman, Nick Winter and myself. Most
require Stata 6; some require Stata 7 or Stata 8.
The addition is a new function, -repeat()-,
which requires Stata 8.
-repeat()- is a sibling of official Stata's
-egen, fill()- and -egen, seq()-, but it can
do some things they can't do.
One is produce sequences of string values.
Suppose you want a variable which runs January ...
December, repeatedly.
In Stata 8.1, these names are stored in c(Months),
so you can go
. egen months = repeat(), values(`c(Months)')
Another example: one variable is the levels 10 50 100 200,
again and again.
. egen levels = repeat(), values(10 50 100 200)
-repeat()- understands numlists:
. egen y = repeat(), values(1/12)
and you can repeat in blocks:
. egen quarter = repeat(), values(1/4) b(3)
[email protected]
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