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st: Doubt about frequencies

From   Rodrigo Brice�o <[email protected]>
To   "Statalist" <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Doubt about frequencies
Date   Mon, 21 Jul 2003 08:54:41 -0600

Dear stata listers. I have tried to calculate some simple frequencies using
the tabulate procedure in a database of hospital discharges of 276,608
observations. Every time I ran the procedure I got the message "too many
values". I decided to increase memory size from 32m until 258m with the set
memory procedure, but still got no answer. I translate the data to SPSS and
I found that there are 3992 different frequency values. Is there a way to
calculate the frequencies in STATA avoiding the message "too many values"?
I'm using Stata 7. Database has 52 variables and their size is 76 MB.
Any help would be appreciated.  Thanks dear friends!

Rodrigo Brice�o

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