Dear All,
I am trying to fit a Fixed Effect Model, with two sets of controls (say x1 and x2).
I want to test whether fixed effect is significant for both of the x's or any one.
That is to say I want to do an F-test for significance of coefficients of
fixed effects for x1 and x2 seperately and jointly as well.
Since, my data set includes larg number of i(2000) and t(15), I am not
able to it through "reg".
Other option is to use "areg", but I am not able to figure out how to test
for the significance after areg. Is there any option to do a joint F-test
for the significance of fixed effect after areg?
Any help in this regrad would be of great help.
Thanking you in advance,
Jayesh Kumar
Research Scholar,
Indira Gandhi Institute Of Development Research (IGIDR),
Gen. Arun Kumar Vaidya Marg,
Santosh Nagar, Goregaon (East), Mumbai-400065, INDIA.
Tel # + 91 (22) 2840 0919/0920/0921 Extn. 591(Office) 263(Residence)
Fax # + 91 (22) 2840 2752/2026
When I don't know what I'm doing I'm doing Research!
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