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Stephen Rothenberg <[email protected]> wrote, 

> Has StataCorp given any thought to making the Stata Manuals available
as PDF
> or Postscript files, either available from the distribution CD or as a
> download for registered users who have bought the paper manuals?  Many
> software companies already do this.  It would be a boon to traveling
> analysts.

and that lead to other well reasoned postings.

We here at Stata are very much open to the idea that something needs to
done, so in version 8, we are running an experiment.  I think you will
pleased when you see the new online help for graphics.  The entire
manual is
online and is in fact easier to use that way because all the links are
and the examples are live, as well.

That, however, still leaves all the rest of Stata.

I suggest we postpone this discussion until you can see exactly what I'm

talking about, and then reopen the discussion and the relative merits of

PDF versus SMCL, how to charge, etc.

-- Bill
[email protected]

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