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st: RE: RE: Re: memory management in Win2000

From   "Ed Bassin" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: RE: Re: memory management in Win2000
Date   Mon, 14 Jul 2003 06:10:19 -0400

I don't have a solution to your issue but I regularly open 300-500MB
datasets using Stata 7 on Win2K at rates around 150-200MB/minute.  The
machines on which that occurs have RAID 5 arrays and 2GB or more of physical
memory, but that shouldn't explain this big of a difference.

-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Steven Stillman
Sent: Monday, July 14, 2003 1:21 AM
To: '[email protected]'
Subject: st: RE: Re: memory management in Win2000

Sorry, I should have been a bit clearer here.  I am using stata 7 with stata
7 format datasets.  I am not using virtual memory with at least 100m of
physical memory available after opening a 240m dataset.  The problem is with
the initial allocation of physical memory that occurs when I open stata for
the first time.  This is just plain slow taking approx. 1min to allocate
each 20m.  I am assuming this has to do with win2000 and my particular
motherboard, etc. and nothing to do with Stata but I was hoping that some
experts out there might have a solution for speeding things up.


PS I am about to install stata 8 so we will soon see if this helps speeds
things up.

> -----Original Message-----
> From:	[email protected] [SMTP:[email protected]]
> Sent:	Saturday, July 12, 2003 3:46 AM
> To:	[email protected]
> Subject:	st: Re: memory management in Win2000
> Steven Stillman <[email protected]> wrote: 
> >>This is more of a windows questions than a stata question.  I 
> >>frequently work on large datasets (150-200m) on a Pent IIII PC w/ 
> >>Win2000 and 512m
> ram.
> >>I find that it takes a long time (3-5 minutes) for these large 
> >>datasets
> to
> >>initial open (stata is very fast once the datasets are loaded).  
> >>Does
> anyone
> >>have any suggestions on how to get Win2000 to allocate memory 
> >>quicker to stata (this seems to be what holds things up)?  I was 
> >>thinking that ala
> Unix
> >>there might be a way to assign a fixed block of ram to stata instead 
> >>of
> it
> >>being dynamically reallocated every time a dataset is opened.
> And Friedrich Huebler <[email protected]> had this suggestion:
> >Do you use Stata 8 with a dataset from an earlier version of Stata?
> >Try to convert the dataset to Stata 8 format and see if it takes less 
> >time to open.
> This suggestion is a very good one. Using the latest format of dataset 
> for your version of Stata is always faster.
> Another suggestion:
> Due to the fact that it takes so long and that the size of the dataset 
> is already a large percentage of the physical RAM (200/512), the odds 
> are that Windows is being forced to use virtual memory. You can verify 
> this by using the Windows Task Manager (typically you can right-click 
> on the task bar to bring up the Task Manager; Ctrl-Alt-Del is another 
> way to get to it). On the Task Manager, there is a tab for Performance 
> and on this tab is a couple of tables showing memory usage. If your 
> Total Commit Charge memory is higher than your Total Physical memory, 
> you are in a state where Windows is forced to use virtual memory.
> You can *probably* witness the problem by viewing the Available 
> Physical Memory _during_ the load of the Stata dataset -- it should 
> hover around 6-3Mb as Windows continually swaps memory from Physical 
> to Virtual space.
> Solutions:
> 	1. Buy more RAM. 
> 	2. Close all unnecessary applications while you are working with 
> these
> 	   large datasets.
> 	3. There are a few more odd tricks that can be done to speed up 
> 	   virtual memory, but may not fix the entire problem: 
> Hope this helps,
> --Kevin
> [email protected]
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