From | Jean-Benoit Hardouin <[email protected]> |
To | [email protected] |
Subject | Re: st: RE: programs with options |
Date | Fri, 11 Jul 2003 17:06:13 +0200 |
Jean-Benoit HardouinWhen I write a program with options, I must put a space between the last variable and the comma, else Stata don't understand that the last variable is "varK" and not "varK,". How resolve this problem.I think you must show us _exactly_ what your real program is. My guess is that you have a problem, but it is not this.
I have try to write my syntax line as :
syntax varlist[,option1 option2] instead of
syntax varlist [,option1 option2] but I obtain the same result.
Example with an xxx program :
xxx var1 var2 var3, option1 option2
=>, invalid name
xxx var1 var2 var3 , option1 option2
If I write a program
program p1 version 8 syntax varlist[,foo bar] di "is OK" end
then things work OK with
.. p1 mpg weight
.. p1 mpg weight,foo
.. p1 mpg weight, foo
.. p1 mpg weight , foo
.. p1 mpg weight ,foo
-- so in terms of both (a) how the program is written (b) what you fire at it, Stata is not fussed.
In practice, I would write something more like
program p1 version 8 syntax varlist [, foo bar] di "is OK" end
but that's personal style reference (and also -- and this is of some importance -- closer to Stata Corp's house style and the style of most Stata programmers).
Nick [email protected]
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