You might wish to look at the original article:
Chang, I., Gelman, R. and Pagano, M.
Corrected group prognostic curves and summary statistics.
Journal of Chronic Diseases, 1982; 35 :669--674.
(Became Journal of Clinical Epidemiology in 1988.)
Roberto G. Gutierrez, StataCorp. wrote:
Hebe B. Quinton <[email protected]> writes:
Below is a web site and the abstract about a comparison of methods for
plotting adjusted survival. I would be very curious as to what you think of
this method, since adjustfor() in sts graph I think is doing the "average
covariate method". Is there any thought of implementing the alternate
approach in Stata?
I'm not Mario or Bill, but we do tend to think alike on these things.
I've added this website to the list of things to consider for inclusion into
Stata. Some questions that immediately come to mind are concern continuous
covariates. Do you average over those values you have observed or do you
integrate over some assumed distribution? Or is this method appropriate only
for discrete covariates? If so, what do you do if someone indeed has
continuous covariates? ...
In any case, we'll take a closer look.
[email protected]
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Marcello Pagano
Biostatistics Department Tel: 1-617-432-4911
Harvard School of Public Health Fax: 1-617-739-1781
655 Huntington Avenue email:[email protected]
Boston, MA 02115
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