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st: tabulating frequency records

From   "Zekveld, Cornelia" <[email protected]>
To   "'[email protected].'" <[email protected]>
Subject   st: tabulating frequency records
Date   Thu, 10 Jul 2003 14:04:04 +0100

Dear stata listers,

I have frequency data and would like to tabulate some variables. For some of
the cells there are no observations, which should then be treated like a
missing value which is what they are (using the table command). However, for
other cells the frequency is zero (actually an average less than 0.5), but
for these entries the table command also handles them as if they are missing
and so I turn up with blanks!

The only solution I could come up with, is to replace the zero frequencies
with an obvious number like 9999 and then my problem is solved (not ideal),
however, I would like to know whether there is a way to tabulate such data
so that in the table a zero is displayed instead of the 9999s

. table agentname agecat [fw= AnnAvgActT], c(freq) missing 

                                         |       agecat       
                               AgentName | 16-39  40-64    65+
                               A........ |     1      2      .
                                C....... | 9,999      1      .
                                  C..... |     .      1  9,999
                           I............ |     .  9,999      .
                                  N..... |     1  9,999      .
                            O........... |     1      2  9,999

If I do not use the 9999 - method, then the last column of 65+ is totally


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