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Re: st: Creating a time from event variable

From   "roger webb" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Creating a time from event variable
Date   Wed, 9 Jul 2003 17:27:16 +0100

Dear Todd

In answer to Qu.1, I'd suggest using the 'stset' and 'stsplit' 
commands. These are explained in detail in the version 8 manual 
'Survival analysis and epidemiological tables'.

Roger Webb
University of Manchester (UK)

On 9 Jul 03, at 16:49, Landman, Todd wrote:

Dear List:

I have two separate questions:

(1) I have a treaty ratification variable that is coded as follows for the period 1976-2000:

0 = no signature
1 = signature
2 = ratification

How would I create a new variable that sums the years since full ratification, i.e. the total number of years from when the variable assumes a value of 2.

(2) The second question ivolves xtivreg with limited dependent variables. The treaty variable above is trichotomous. Do I need xtprobit? And is there an option to include an iv function? The estimates using xtivreg make sense intuitively but I am not sure that I using the correct procedure.



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