Dear Statalist,
After running the following do-file I get the message " invalid syntax" after
the second "while". Please, let me know what is wrong?
set memory 512m
set more off
use "c:\data.dta"
local k1 = 1
local k2 = 14
local k3 = 27
local k4 = 40
local i=1
while `i'<=4 {
local j=1
while `j' <= `k`i'' {
replace lfsocc`j'=1 if lfsocc`j'==lfsocc`k`i''
replace lfsocc`j'=0 if lfsocc`j'~=1
local j=`j'+1
local l=`k`i''-1
egen occten`i'=rsum(lfsocc1-lfsocc`l')
keep occten*
merge using "c:\data.dta"
drop _merge
local i=`i'+1
Olena Stavrunova
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