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st: RE: RE: STATA equivalent to SAS subsetting "else if" statements?

From   "Sayer, Bryan" <[email protected]>
To   "'Nick Cox '" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected] '" <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: RE: STATA equivalent to SAS subsetting "else if" statements?
Date   Tue, 8 Jul 2003 17:49:42 -0400

.N is a special missing, to distinguish NIU, from don't know, refused,
invalid, etc.  The complete set of letters, plus '.' and '._' are available
in SAS.  Stata has a similar set, but the most important thing to remember
is that in SAS missings are the SMALLEST value and in Stata they are the
LARGEST value.  Also, SAS is not case sensitive (in general) while Stata is.

Bryan Sayer
Statistician, SSS Inc. 

-----Original Message-----
From: Nick Cox
To: [email protected]
Sent: 7/8/03 3:18 PM
Subject: st: RE: STATA equivalent to SAS subsetting "else if" statements?

Deborah Garvey
> I have generally used SAS for data manipulation, so I am 
> not familiar with the best way to code the equivalent of 
> the subsetting "else if" statement in STATA.
> This SAS code defines RACEETH hierarchically, based on the 
> value of HISPANG and RACEG.  It only permits RACEETH to 
> change once (from default missing to a valid value), at the 
> first occurrence of a true IF statement:
> if hispang = 0 then do;
>   if raceg = 1 then raceeth = 1;
>   else if raceg = 2 then raceeth = 2;
>   else raceeth = 3;
>   end;
> else if hispang = 9 then raceeth = .N;
> else if hispang ge 1 and hispang < 9 then raceeth = 7;
> How do I accomplish this in STATA?

In Stata
you have to flip everything round to go on the 
right-hand side. Also == tests for equality; = assigns RHS 
to LHS only. 

This looks like 

gen raceeth = . 
replace raceeth = 1 if hispang == 0 & raceg == 1 
replace raceeth = 2 if hispang == 0 & raceg == 2
replace raceeth = 3 if hispang == 0 & raceeth == . 
replace raceeth = <whatever> if hispang == 9 
replace raceeth = 7 if hispang >= 1 & hispang < 9 

Or we could start with 

gen raceeth = 1 if hispang == 0 & raceg == 1 
replace raceeth = 2 if hispang == 0 & raceg == 2
replace raceeth = 3 if hispang == 0 & raceeth == . 
replace raceeth = <whatever> if hispang == 9 
replace raceeth = 7 if hispang >= 1 & hispang < 9 

Somebody else please say what .N is in SAS as I have 
.Not a clue. 

[email protected] 
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