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st: RE: STATA equivalent to SAS subsetting "else if" statements?

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: STATA equivalent to SAS subsetting "else if" statements?
Date   Tue, 8 Jul 2003 20:18:17 +0100

Deborah Garvey
> I have generally used SAS for data manipulation, so I am 
> not familiar with the best way to code the equivalent of 
> the subsetting "else if" statement in STATA.
> This SAS code defines RACEETH hierarchically, based on the 
> value of HISPANG and RACEG.  It only permits RACEETH to 
> change once (from default missing to a valid value), at the 
> first occurrence of a true IF statement:
> if hispang = 0 then do;
>   if raceg = 1 then raceeth = 1;
>   else if raceg = 2 then raceeth = 2;
>   else raceeth = 3;
>   end;
> else if hispang = 9 then raceeth = .N;
> else if hispang ge 1 and hispang < 9 then raceeth = 7;
> How do I accomplish this in STATA?

In Stata
you have to flip everything round to go on the 
right-hand side. Also == tests for equality; = assigns RHS 
to LHS only. 

This looks like 

gen raceeth = . 
replace raceeth = 1 if hispang == 0 & raceg == 1 
replace raceeth = 2 if hispang == 0 & raceg == 2
replace raceeth = 3 if hispang == 0 & raceeth == . 
replace raceeth = <whatever> if hispang == 9 
replace raceeth = 7 if hispang >= 1 & hispang < 9 

Or we could start with 

gen raceeth = 1 if hispang == 0 & raceg == 1 
replace raceeth = 2 if hispang == 0 & raceg == 2
replace raceeth = 3 if hispang == 0 & raceeth == . 
replace raceeth = <whatever> if hispang == 9 
replace raceeth = 7 if hispang >= 1 & hispang < 9 

Somebody else please say what .N is in SAS as I have 
.Not a clue. 

[email protected] 
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