Landman, Todd
> I have a time series panel data set of 169 contries from
> 1976-2000. When I use tsset to prepare to use xtivreg, I
> get an error message saying that I have repeated time
> values within the panel, but all the panels (i.e.
> countries) run from 1976-2000. How do I get tsset to work
> properly? Or can I use iis for the country var and tis for
> the time var?
-iis- and -tis- are more or less the same
procedure as -tsset-. Going in the front door
and going in the back door get you into the
same house. There are nuances of difference, but they
do not seem pertinent here.
To conVince yourself of this, see
My guess is that your data are not as you
think they should be. -duplicates- is one of
several possible tools for finding repeated
values. There are others, but that may help.
[email protected]
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