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re: st: re. case control design & analysis

From   David Airey <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   re: st: re. case control design & analysis
Date   Wed, 2 Jul 2003 08:41:49 -0500

See the package by Katie Saunders:

presented at the 2003 North American Users' Group meeting.

That may answer one of your questions.

I can't answer the first question, though I'm curious about it. I'd like to know what happens in these models where cases and controls are assumed to be correlated based on matching criteria, when in fact they are not (or not very because the matching criteria is skimpy or unrelated to the disease process). When models are used on correlated data where the model misses that fact, bad things happen. Do bad things happen the other way round?


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