Dear Statalist,
I am using -outreg- version 3.0.6 27nov00
Intercooled Stata 8.0 for Windows
I need to show the regression coefficients (which Stata stores in e(b)) in
the following format
is it possible to do so with -outreg-? Maybe writing a line before -outreg-?
I tried to write the following lines, but the execution breaks at the second
regress ln_wage women other_regressors
replace e(b)=(exp(e(b)-1)*100)
outreg using myregression.txt, replace se
I imagine that this problem has been tackled many times before, in fact, in
the example here, the transformation (exp(b)-1)*100 has the interpretation
"women's wages are % lower than men's".
I know -outreg, eform- shows the regression coeffcients b in the form exp(b)
and adjusts the standard errors correspondently, but that's one step short
of what I need.
I looked also at -reformat- but it does not do it either. I can't use
-mktab- for unrelated reasons.
I haven't understood how to use -parmby-, so I would avoid if possible.
In fact, -parmby- has an -eform- option, and could be part of your
solution. If you type