Dear Stata-listers,
I am running into problems when I try to "nest-loop" using the old "for"
and, reluctantly, the new "forvalues".
My aim is to have the following tabulation:
for Y in num 1/6: for X in num 1/6: ta vnum mXachieved if site==Y &
mvvdate~=., row \ ta vnum mXachieved if site==Y, row
I get an error message I guess because the inside loop will only execute the
first tabulation, comes to the second and can not find "mXachieved"!!
If the command is modified to read:
for Y in num 1/6: for X in num 1/6: ta vnum mXachieved if site==Y &
mvvdate~=., row \ for X in num 1/6: ta vnum mXachieved if site==Y, row
That yields the exact tabulation to breaking-up the loop into two separate
processes as follows:
for Y in num 1/6: for X in num 1/6: ta vnum mXachieved if site==Y &
mvvdate~=., row
for Y in num 1/6: for X in num 1/6: ta vnum mXachieved if site==Y, row
I tried to use the new "forvalues" as follows:
forvalues Y = 1(1)6 {
2. forvalues X = 1(1)6 {
2. ta vnum mXachieved if site==Y & mvvdate~=.,
3. ta vnum mXachieved if site==Y, row }
I get an error message telling me:
unrecognised command: 2. invalid command name
Many thanks for your suggestions in advance.
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