Branislav Seslija
I need to flip the data so that each unique combination of
prog_id and object_i is a unique variable with the counties
in each state becoming row entries. Unfortunatly these data
are for a single year so that i can not fool reshape into doing
what i wanted to do. Any tips would be very beneficial.
prog_id object_i f_state f_county amounttotal amount year
10.001 GG 11 001 65000 65000 1983
10.001 GG 12 001 27382 27382 1983
10.001 GG 25 025 2377300 2377300 1983
10.001 GG 32 031 179800 179800 1983
10.001 GG 48 201 2608800 2608800 1983
10.025 GG 01 081 171250 171250 1983
10.025 GG 01 101 -26371 -26371 1983
10.025 GG 04 013 49800 24900 1983
10.025 GG 04 019 15000 15000 1983
10.025 GG 05 119 27000 27000 1983
10.025 GG 06 025 100000 100000 1983
>>> The absence of variation in -year- doesn't prohibit a -reshape-.
You just need to construct a column identifier yourself.
bysort prog_id object_i : gen id = _n
reshape wide f_state-year , i(prog_id object_i) j(id)
Having said that, this new data structure is likely
to be more awkward than the old, at least in my
[email protected]
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