Natalie Karavarsamis <[email protected]> asks about multiplying two
datasets, treating them as if they were matrices, where one of the datasets is
too big to convert to a matrix:
> I have two data sets; a data file, call this A, which is 41000 rows x 130
> columns, and another file,call this B, 130 rows by 50 columns.
> I want to multiply A and B (C=AxB). It would be ideal to treat A and B as
> matrices and use matrix multiplication but the maximum matrix size is 11000
> x 11000 (we run Stata 7.0 SE). Is there a way around this? If not, are there
> any suggestions of how else to do this? I don't want to cut matrix A (or B)
> into smaller data sets (matrices).
If you have enough memory to hold both A and C, which I estimate to be just
under 60m, I would suggest using -matrix score-. -matrix score- will generate
a new variable from the linear combination of elements in a row vector and
the variables in memory. See [P] matrix score.
To illustrate, the following do-file generates two datasets, a.dta and b.dta,
according to the sizes Natalie indicates:
***** BEGIN:
* generate some data
set mem 50m
set obs 41000
forval i = 1/130 {
di as txt "generating a`i'"
gen double a`i' = uniform()
save a, replace
set obs 130
forval i = 1/50 {
di as txt "generating b`i'"
gen double b`i' = uniform()
save b, replace
***** END:
In, prepare for the product by setting the memory to be large enough.
Then put the data from b.dta into a matrix -b- using -mkmat- (notice the trick
I use to get a list of all the variable names into the -`varlist'- macro).
Use the data in a.dta and loop over the columns of matrix -b-, generating each
new column of the new dataset/matrix C using -matrix score-. Note that when
you grab each column of the matrix -b-, turn it into a row vector and put the
variable names from dataset a.dta as its column names. Then -matrix score-
does all the work of multiplying.
***** BEGIN:
* take matrix product of datasets a.dta and b.dta
* make the matrix from b.dta (the smaller dataset)
set mem 60m
use b
local 0
syntax [varlist]
mkmat `varlist', matrix(b)
* use -matrix score- to compute the linear combinations of the variables in
* a.dta, where the coefficients are from the columns of b.dta
use a, clear
local 0
syntax [varlist]
local k = colsof(b)
forval i = 1/`k' {
matrix bi = b[1...,`i']'
matrix colnames bi = `varlist'
matrix score double c`i' = bi
di as txt "generating c`i'"
keep c*
save c, replace
***** END:
I tested the above do-files using Stata/SE 7.0 and Stata/SE 8.0.
[email protected]
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