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st: Stata 8 graphics

From   "R. Allan Reese" <[email protected]>
To   Stata distribution list <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Stata 8 graphics
Date   Tue, 17 Jun 2003 16:20:25 +0100 (BST)

I have some bad news and good news:

Under Stata 7 you could (still can) draw any self-designed plot using the
gph commands starting with a blank screen.  That system seems to have been
abandoned - you have to start from a basic graph type.  I mention this
because of a couple of recent requests could have been met by writing a
program of gph calls.

The good news is that hist is a two-way graph type, so text can be added
to it or it can be overlaid with another twoway type.  You can combine it,
for example, with a oneway plot:

(using auto data)

gen zero=0
gen one=1
twoway (hist mpg, freq ) (rspike one zero mpg)

or label areas of interest
hist mpg, ylabel(,angle(h)) xline(30) text( 0.05 30.1 "Lowest acceptable", place(e))

R. Allan Reese                       Email: [email protected]
Associate Manager GRI                Direct voice:   +44 1482 466845
Graduate School                      Voice messages: +44 1482 466844
Hull University, Hull HU6 7RX, UK.   Fax:            +44 1482 466436
The management here were SO impressed with W Edward Deming's "Out of
the crisis" that they are working flat out to create THE BEST crisis;
then they can start implementing the 13 obligations.

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