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st: Documentation on scheme-files available yet?

From   Ernest Berkhout <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Documentation on scheme-files available yet?
Date   Fri, 13 Jun 2003 12:47:41 +0200

Searching for a description of the format of the Stata8 scheme files on Statalist I did not find anything. The only contribution that comes close is one of Vince Wiggins dated April 8, 2003 in which he announced such documentation "within 3 weeks". Is it yet available already but did I miss it, or was Vince maybe a bit too optimistic? :-)

The reason I ask for this is because I came across two problems when I tried to make my own scheme (based on the Economist-scheme). In case the documentation is not yet available, does anyone out here on the list maybe have a guideline for me?

I like to have a default gridline on the topvalue of axis, like one would specify separately as "ylabel(, gmax)".
My data values range from 4-15, but I extended the axis scale manually by adding:

yscale(r(0 20))

Gridlines are plotted at yvalues of 5, 10 & 15, but not at 20. To achieve that by default, I explored the scheme and came up with the following entries that would be eligible:

yesno extend_axes_full_low yes (this is default)
yesno extend_axes_full_high yes (this is default also)
yesno grid_draw_max yes (this is what I changed to "yes")

But, unfortunately, Stata still produces a graph without gridlines at the top-yvalue.
Of course it would be possible to manually specify "ylabel( 5 10 15 20)" but that would only be an adhoc solution for this particular problem, whereas it is more elegant to have a more comprehensive solution.
Is this possible?

I also fail to discover what setting I should use in the scheme file to produce small sized legends by default, as one does by specifying "legend( size (small) )". I fiddled around with

gsize legend_key_xsize 6
gsize legend_key_ysize medium

but that didn't seem to do the trick. Do I have to look somewhere else?

Thanks in advance!

Ernest Berkhout
Stichting voor Economisch Onderzoek
Universiteit van Amsterdam

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