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RE: st: Query- graph box

From   [email protected]
To   [email protected]
Subject   RE: st: Query- graph box
Date   Wed, 11 Jun 2003 17:25:12 +0200

Dear Stata-lister

My thanks for Ernest Berkhout for his suggestion below.  I have checked the
discussion on the Statalist archive of last week, but I am not sure whether
it is worth it to create four graphs to be two-way-overlayed.  To recap, my
query was on how to impose the "value" of the median in/out/alongside its

This maybe too simplistic but would the following be a solution IFF "twoway"
would include "box" as a plot-type - consider a continuous variable X, has 3
(=100, 150, 200) for 3 different sites (=1,2,3), respectively.

#delimit ;
twoway box X  , over(site, total)  ytitle(" ")  ylabel( , grid)  title(" ")
subtitle(" ")  note(" ", span)  | |  ,
	   text ( 1, 100  "100" , place(e))  
	   text ( 2, 150  "150" , place(e)) 
	   text ( 3, 150  "200" , place(e)) ;
#delimit cr

Many thanks in advance for your thoughts and assistance.


-----Original Message-----
From: Ernest Berkhout [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Tuesday, 10 June 2003 13:26
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: st: Query- graph box

At 12:05 10-6-2003, you wrote:
>Dear Stata-listers,
>I am using Stata 8.0 SE and I wish to display the following box plot:
>graph box X  , over(site, total)  ytitle(" ")  ylabel( , grid)  title(" ")
>subtitle(" ")  note(" ", span)
>Is there a way to add the "value" of the median on top  inside the box.  I
>have checked the manuals but failed to spot if there is an option for that.

You could do that if you would create the boxplot yourself by using 4 
twoway-overlayed graphics. See the discussion on boxplots that was on 
Statalist last wednesday/thursday.

Ernest Berkhout
SEO Amsterdam Economics
University of Amsterdam

Room 3.08
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The Netherlands

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